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  3. Solar-Man
Willunga, South Australia

We are energy management specialists - taking a holistic approach to fixing our customer's energy problems. This includes solar power, energy storage, hot water diverters, EV chargers etc.
We build systems for residential, commercial, and light industrial applications, and provide ongoing service, maintenance and technical support for the life of each system.
Our speciality is off-grid / remote area power systems which are far more complex & and specialised to build.

Paul studied renewable energy for 3 years to gain qualifications (yes designing and installing solar requires specific qualifications) and has been expanding his knowldege base continuously since then with ongoing professional development.
Paul has been in the energy sector for over 30 years (19 years specifically in renewables), is a qualified building supervisor and has extensive knowldege with energy efficient building design.

Contact Information
Phone: 0428 773 720

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